Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB)

ARPAP: a Novel Antenna Radiation-Pattern-Aware Power-Based Positioning Scheme in RF System

I am pleased to announce our newest paper in the "***IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing***" is accepted.

ARPAP: a Novel Antenna Radiation-Pattern-Aware Power-Based Positioning Scheme in RF System

Traditional power-based localization methods suffer from low accuracy in the practical application environment. The main challenges are the antenna directivity and fading effect. Conventional methods assume omnidirectional antenna directivity such …

New Theoretical Limit Analysis of LoS and RSS Based Positioning Methods for Ricean Fading Channel in RF Systems

In this paper, bias and CRB analysis for both proposed line-of-sight (LoS) and conventional radio-signal-strength (RSS) based positioning methods are derived. In contrast to the conventional lognormal based analysis, the derived error models take …