
Evolutionary Computation Lab Students to Present at MICS

March 8, 2019
Computer Science majors and UWL Evolutionary Computation Lab members Kaelan Engholdt, Isaac Lock, and Jacob McAllister have had a paper accepted at the Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium. The paper, titled "A Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm to Avoid Airline Passenger Denied Boarding" describes their work evolving strategies for airlines to minimize the payments required to entice passengers to relinquish seats on overbooked flights and for passengers to maximize their reward in the same situation. The conference is in Fargo, ND in April.

61 Years of CPU Time

January 2019
Dr. Samantha Foley and I submitted a successful proposal to the National Science Foundation XSEDE program. XSEDE makes high performance computing (HPC) resources, otherwise known as supercompters, available to researchers in the US. We were awarded more than 535,000 hours of compute time, which is a little over 61 years. While that's a lot of time, we will use it all before the end of the calendar year. Our project involves exploring parallel implementations of a genetic algorithm or path planning.

A New Adventure in the Great White North

August 8, 2018
The next chapter in my academic life has begun as I've joined the Computer Science faculty at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. I'm excited by the opportunities and challenges. The members of the Department of Computer Science are an outstanding group and the reason that I chose to accept the offer from UWL. Dr. Sam Foley and I are already collaborating on a project involving parallelization of the path planning algorithm I worked on at Florida Southern with Vinny Ragusa and Riley McIntyre. Leveraging the power of massively parallel computers, we are able to solve very difficult path planning problems, similar to those encountered by UPS drivers. I'm looking forward to a productive and enjoyable time in my new academic home.